Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jelaine Faunce: Color Therapy

Jelaine Faunce of Henderson, Nevada just sent us five new pieces! Her trompe l'oeil still lifes are always captivating with their exacting realism and interesting compositions. The pieces in her latest series, "Color Therapy," certainly stand up to their name as the color of each piece is equally as important as the subject rendered. For instance, in her piece, "Color Therapy: Purple & Blue," Jelaine uses varying hues of both colors construct a sense of realistic space by defining areas of light and shadow with differing tones.

"Color Therapy: Purple & Blue"  |  20" X 20"  |  Oil on canvas

One can't examine Jelaine's "Color Therapy" series without considering the method behind the name. Commonly known as "chromotherapy," the process is said to be an alternative to conventional healing techniques. Since I'm no expert in this, I tend to think Jelaine makes this reference to remind the viewer, just in case they hadn't noticed already, of the emotive connection between the piece, it's palette, and the viewer's mood. Blue is a relaxing color; it's serene and calming. Check out the other pieces from this series below:

"Color Therapy: Orange"  |  20" X 24"  |  Oil on canvas

"Color Therapy: Blue & Green"  |  18" X 18"  |  Oil on canvas 

"Color Therapy: Warm vs. Cool"  |  20" X 20"  |  Oil on canvas

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